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Érvényes pályázatok: újak, kiírók szerint, érvényesség szerint, tárgymutató szerint, módosultak |
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Cím: | Hungarian doctoral research fellowship |
Kiíró: | The Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies |
Határidő: | 04/01/2025 |
Érvényes: | 04/01/2025 |
Tárgymutató: | doktori ösztöndíj |
Pályázhat: | advanced students |
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UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA The Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies invites applications for a HUNGARIAN DOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP For advanced students in Hungary The Hungarian Doctoral Research Fellowship is tenable in the 2025-2026 academic year at the Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada for a period of eight (8) months, commencing 1 October 2025 through to 31 May 2026. The Fellowship is valued at CAN $ 27,600.00 and will be paid in equal monthly installments at the end of each month beginning October 2025. The successful candidate will hold this fellowship at the Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies, and is expected to be actively engaged in Ph.D. thesis research. Successful candidates are also expected to participate in the Institute's cultural, scholarly and academic activities, and events, particularly the development of academic relationships with institutions in Hungary. A willingness to engage with the local Hungarian community and serve as a liaison between that community and the Faculty of Arts is also a requirement. Young scholars from disciplines in the Humanities, Social Sciences or Fine Arts (especially from the field of Anthropology, Art and Design, Classics, Cultural Studies, Drama, East Asian Studies, Economics, English, Film Studies, History, Linguistics, Modern Languages, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology and Women's Studies) are invited to apply. Candidates should be Hungarian citizens enrolled in a Ph.D. programme at a Hungarian university at all-but-dissertation level and have an excellent command of spoken and written English. The purpose of the fellowship is to offer a research stipend to complete writing the dissertation. A sound reading knowledge of either a Slavic language or German and a proven research record (ideally in the form of publications), would be an asset. The University of Alberta welcomes diversity and encourages applications from all qualified women and men, including persons with disabilities. Applicants should submit a short English-language description (maximum 500 words) of their research project, a full curriculum vitae, and the names of two references with contact details or actual reference letters as one single file with first name, last name, and country included in the file name (i.e. John_Smith_Hungary.PDF). Application should be submitted by e-mail to the Wirth Institute c/o Dr. Alexander Carpenter at rawright@ualberta.ca and Ms.Réka Pálóczi at reka.paloczi@tpf.hu Application deadline: 1 APRIL 2025 Finalists in the competition for this fellowship will be interviewed by the Director of the Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies in late April/early May 2025. Successful candidates will be advised by e-mail beforehand of the specific date, time and place of the interview. Due to the large number of applicants, we regret that unsuccessful candidates may not receive a notification of their status. Decisions expected to be announced by June 2025. https://www.ualberta.ca/en/wirth-institute/fellowship-awards/doctoral-research-fellowships/hungary.html | Ingyenes e-mail tanfolyam Magam csináljam vagy bízzak meg egy szakembert? Akármelyik utat választja van egy minimum, amit mindenképpen tudnia kell.Legalább ennyit a forrásteremtésről címmel Ha Ön(ök) csinálják, akkor magától értetődő, hogy érteni kell hozzá, ha mást bíznak meg, akkor annyi tudásra lesz szükségük, hogy tudjanak megrendelni és átvenni. Ezt a tudást szerezheti meg ezen a tanfolyamon, ami egyben jó alap arra, hogy ha saját maga vág bele könnyű legyen hozzátanulni. Ne csak olvassa és nézze (filmek is lesznek a leckékben), csinálja is. A forrásteremtésnél ezt alig kell magyarázni, hiszen elméletben forrást szerezni enyhén szólva marhaság. Ezért arra kérem, hogy az egyes levelekben olvasottakat azonnal valósítsa meg a gyakorlatban. Ne feledje, akármilyen kis lépés sokkal többet ér, mint az álldogálás a rajtvonalnál... Az egyes leckéket e-mailben kapja meg, hetente egyet. Jó tanulást és eredményes forrásszerzést kívánok! Huszerl József szerkesztő Itt iratkozhat fel
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